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Reprogrammation du concert de Kansas City

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Reprogrammation du concert de Kansas City

Messagepar TI TAN » 23 Fév 2016, 06:08

AC/DC vient d'annoncer la reprogrammation du concert de Kansas City initialement prévu le 29 février 2016.
Brian Johnson vient de perdre un très proche ami et devra se rendre en Angleterre pour ses funérailles.
Le concert sera donc avancé d'un jour soit le dimanche 28 février 2016.

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Re: Report du concert de Kansas City

Messagepar mrbrianjohnson » 23 Fév 2016, 09:02

Apparement les billets sont remboursables. C'est cool pour les fans. Surtout pour ceux qui ont dégustation de popcorn le lendemain avec les copains.

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Re: Report du concert de Kansas City

Messagepar Jul' » 23 Fév 2016, 09:54

Petit rappel :

"A message from Brenda and Brian Johnson

One of our dearest friends and a soul brother to my husband passed on yesterday..
Brendan Healy brought so much joy ,laughter and music to our lives and his passing has left a huge void. It’s so very sad that his brilliant wit,his comic genius and generous heart are gone….You realize how fleeting time is when you lose someone so close to you..But..we had so much more to share…..I have so many years of memories of Brian and Brendan beneath the stairs in our home composing music on the piano together into the wee hours of the morning….He brought magic to our lives with his engaging energy and humor. The two boys played off each other with stories of life that would bring you to tears with laughter.
I was so lucky to have seen him last week in his home with Steph……Brian was on tour in America and couldn’t get away…It was a special hour of sharing life when you realize the time is running out. We will miss you dear friend and brother…but fear not because your “Soul brother”…my Brian, will continue to tell your stories and sing your songs forever
And you will live in our hearts till we meet again. RIP Brendan Healy.

Brenda And Brian Johnson"

Source :

"On est ressorti de là à moitié aveugle des oreilles" Wallace Idici
"Bordel, j'ai une de ces envies de pisser moi !" Brian Johnson, remontée mécanique de Val Thorens, 02/2015.

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Inscrit le: 27 Déc 2014, 12:35
Localisation: Liege Belgique

Re: Reprogrammation du concert de Kansas City

Messagepar Sebastien » 25 Fév 2016, 09:45

Nouveau message de Brian pour son ami :

There are only two types of music : Rock and Roll !!!
Bon Scott.

Retour vers Rock Or Bust World Tour

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